Choosing and sowing the seeds for the garden is one of my favourite aspects of gardening. We were blessed with a beautiful Spring day on Monday so it was the ideal day to start. Among the seeds that I have grown this year are Swiss Chard, two varieties of Broad Beans, onions, leeks, beetroot, courgettes, red cabbage. I have grown a good few varieties of Sweet Pea as it is my favourite flower and I use the flowers to decorate the Restaurant tables from June onwards. Sweet Pea flowers must be cut if you want them to keep flowering – I have had Sweet Pea flowers up to mid-October. I have also sown Sweetcorn seeds – this is a first for us, so hopefully we will be lucky. We start the seeds off in seed trays using a John Innes compost. I am very lucky in that I have the use of a Tunnel where I can put the seed trays for the next 6 -8 weeks (aprox). I check the seeds regularly to make sure they are not drying out. the garden has been dug over and there is a lot of signs of growth already. The chives are starting off and there are buds on our crab apple trees.